
Year 9 Subject Selection Information Session

During the Year 9 Subject Selection Information Sessions on 22 May, we listened to presentations from the Heads of Department (HoD) of English, Performing Arts and Mathematics and other Heads of Departments such as Science, Humanities and Digital Technology. Finally we participated in self-evaluation activities. The start of the day saw students listening to the HoD’s of English, Performing Arts and Mathematics talk about what their respective subjects involved. We were able to learn what to expect, and what electives are available to us in seniors years.

Next came the talks from the other HoD’s, including Science, Humanities, Digital Technology, PreCal and Vet, Design and Technology, Visual Arts, Human Development and Religious Education. They explained what each subject included, what parts were compulsory, what parts could be chosen as electives and what is required to be able to do these electives. In our Oratory groups, we listened to these sessions and were able to ask any questions we may have had.

The final section of the Subject Selection Information Sessions involved each boy evaluating what subjects would be good for them based on what they excel in, and what subjects would help achieve a fulfilling career.

The most valuable part of the Subject Selection Information Sessions was the advice and information that was given on what I should choose to study in my senior years at Salesian. It gave me an idea of what would be happening next year and aided in informing the decisions that I will soon be required to make.

– Angus Fenton, 9G